Sunday, June 11, 2006

Getting Closer...

Well the time is counting down to leaving town and things are getting done. I have started sanding the deck, lawn done, furniture posted for sale...three weeks before we are leaving town to visit relatives. My wife, bless her soul, is patiently awaiting our arrival, when she will be free of compound buses, taxi drivers, and relying on friends and acquantences to get around or find out what is going on.

I have a 4x4 bought and paid for waiting for me...AND with gas at 17 cents a liter, it will only cost me 7 or 8 dollars to fill the tank. Eat your heart out friends! As I have said before - I am going to fill my tank, drive around till it is empty, fill it up and drive some more. Why? BECAUSE I CAN! LOL.

Things are winding down - still a bunch to do. I will keep you all posted on my adventures as the leaving time nears and we finally arrive in KSA. Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Getting Ready to Head Over There...

Well, it is coming up fast. The time to head "over there". In the old days that meant Europe; today it means anywhere where life is different (Europe being not that different anymore, right? I mean, EVERYBODY has been there now. Not like in my grandmother's time when people only came FROM Europe and only the rich went there.)

No, I am off into the crucible called the Middle East. SomewhereOutHere is where I will be posting my thoughts, experiences, and adventures from. I am rather excited to be going, to tell the truth. Adventure lurking around every corner - that sort of thing. Well, maybe not adventure, but at least Muttawa at prayer times! I hear I can recognize them by their squared off beards. So...first question...should I grow a squared off beard? The wife says no, but what do you think?

Have a great day and tune in next week for my first update!